Bananas   are a good source of B vitamins, which may help to remedy sleeplessness ,
mood swings and irritability. Rich in vitamin C Bell peppers helps to heal cuts and keep teeth and gums healthy .
Vitamin A is great for healthy eyes and skin, and helps to protect against infections .     

4 Essential Minerals & Vitamins in Bananas




Manganese is one of the less glamorous minerals on the nutrition label of mineral supplements. Usually listed way down at the bottom, it’s no wonder we tend to forget that we need it. According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, bananas are one of the best sources of manganese.
Manganese helps to encourage wound healing and jumpstarts your metabolism, so bananas make an ideal post-workout snack. Some of the institute’s research also suggests that people who regularly consume food with manganese have lower rates of stroke, heart attack, osteoporosis, and other ailments that we’re all motivated to avoid.

Vitamin B6

Bananas are also rich in vitamin B6, a crucial element of any healthy diet. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that adults try to get about a milligram and a half of B6 each day. A banana can give you about a third of that in one fell swoop.
The absorption rate of B6 in dietary supplements doesn’t come close to that of food-based B6. Noshing on a banana once a day can reduce your rates of certain kinds of cancer and improve cognitive function. For women, B6 may reduce premenstrual syndrome symptoms. It also significantly reduces morning sickness during pregnancy.
Vitamins in the B family can be tough to get if you’re a vegetarian, so look to bananas to help bridge the gap if you abstain from animal products.


You only need a smudge of dietary copper to get your recommended daily allotment, and bananas put you well on the way to achieving that goal. Copper pairs with iron to help stimulate red blood cell development. Bananas are one of several foods that are good sources of copper.

Vitamin C

Oranges and other citrus get all the attention for being great sources of vitamin C, but bananas are chock full of it, too. A medium-sized fruit has about 15 percent of your daily requirements, so just one at breakfast puts you well on the way to getting enough vitamin C for the day.
Vitamin C boosts immunity to colds, reduces inflammation, and slows the aging of skin. So don’t skimp. New research coming out of University of Kansas shows that vitamin C can even kill cancer cells.












Carrots r the ABCs of health

Juice prepared from apple, beetroot and carrot has gained the name of being miracle drink due to the innumerable advantages which can be benefited from both brain and body. The name this drink has acquired is all due to the several advantages, this was discovered by Chinese Herbalists who have found this to be helpful in treatment of lung cancer and several other diseases.
The magical benefits this drink gives has helped this drink in becoming popular throughout the nation for which there is a need only to get apples, carrots and beetroots all of which have to be put in a juicer to extract juice from them but will not have to be stored instead should be consumed immediately after it is prepared.
There is no need to follow some strict quantities to prepare this juice instead it can be prepared as per the taste which might even require addition of either more carrots or apples, for those who want best out of this juice should mix equal quantities of these ingredients to which lime juice can be added making it better option than sugar.
It is already known that this miracle drink consists of beetroot which is known to look after the health of heart along with presence of carrot which is known to help in promotion of heart health with compounds like alpha and beta carotenes and lutein. When all the goodness from these both vegetables is mixed with apple aids in keeping the cholesterol levels down and having a control on the blood pressure also acting like a shield in front of heart from diseases.
This juice is so nutritious only due to the presence of two vegetables and one fruit which is full of several lifesaving antioxidants, apple is full of Vitamins like A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K along with nutrients like Folate, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Sodium and Iron. While carrots are known to have vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and K along with Niacin and Pantothenic Acid supported by minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and Selenium. Maximum advantage can be gained from carrots in their juice form rather than the vegetable eaten directly.

Gently stretch your muscles and tendons in your fingers, wrists, neck/shoulders, back and legs.     

 Before you start to try any of them for yourself, it is very important that you do go through them all carefully with your own doctor, physiotherapist or chiropractor first.
So, feeling warm and relaxed, lie down on a comfortable, flat surface.
1. Legs to side: Keeping your upper body still, and your shoulders on the ground, tuck your feet up towards your bottom. Then gently roll your knees over to the left - breathing out. And then up again. And then over to the right. Do that 3 times. You can also gently drop your knees apart, breathing out. 3 times.
2. Lower back: With your knees up and your feet flat on the ground, and keeping your lower back on the ground too - just curl your bottom and hips upwards and inwards a little bit, with the lower abdomen.
3. Legs - knees up to chest: Hold one knee gently towards your chest, as you push your other knee onto the ground. And with the other leg. Then pull both knees gently towards your chest.
4. Body stretch: Lie down flat. Very gently stretch your left leg downwards, as you gently reach your left arm upwards above your head. Then do that for your right side. Then very gently stretch your left leg downwards, as you gently reach your right arm upwards above your head. Then do that the other way round.
And some other leg muscle stretches, standing up.
5. Quadriceps (muscles at the front of your thighs): Supporting yourself, pull your left leg and foot up behind your bottom. Keep upright, keep your bottom in, and your knee pointing straight down. And you should just feel a gentle stretch at the front of your thigh. Breathe out while you do it. Then the other side.
6. Hamstrings (muscles at the back of your thighs): Put your right foot forward, then bend your left leg, and using your left leg to support your weight, keep your back straight, as you bend forward, with your bottom pointing back. Feel a gentle stretch at the back of your thigh. Then the other side.
7. Calf muscles (step): On a step, take your weight on your left leg, and bend it slightly. Let the heel of your right leg hang down off the step and very gently stretch the calf muscles in your right leg. Then the other side.
8. Calf muscles (alternative): If you haven’t got a step, then put your left foot forward and bend it, taking the weight on it. Then put your right foot back. Keep your right leg straight and with your toes pointing forwards. Then the other side.
Only as you are able to do any of these exercises without any pain or discomfort or dizziness or exhaustion, but only a gentle feeling that your muscles have been working, then very gradually build up how many you do, and how far you can stretch - but only ever within the limits of what you can do without pushing yourself. If you start to have any problems at all doing any stretching exercises, then stop them, and go back to your doctor, physio or chiropractor again for more advice. But if you are able to do some of these, very gently, under medical advice, then I hope you enjoy them, and I hope they help!